Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Vintage Vandals - Elsewhere Also?

The Wurst Gallery (an online art project run out of Oregon) had a bunch of artists take bad art from their local thrift stores and transform it. A lot of its really good, and it's very similar in theory to what we're doing at Elsewhere. Check out our ideological cousins here.

The Groundhog Has Spoken

Punxsutawney, PA - At 8:45 this morning, the prognosticator from Punxsutawney, Phillip Albert Groundhog, emerged from his hole, saw what bystanders are claiming was his shadow, and then crept back into his hole, leaving the two-legs to sort out what it all means.

Spring just around the corner? Six more weeks of winter? Peace in Iraq? It's tough to say. Does his shadow mean spring or winter? Well, if he saw his shadow that means the sun was out, which means it was warm today, so - -

That paragraph was brought to you by grammar school memories of trying to figure out exactly what the deal with the Groundhog was. To skip a little, brother, by seeing its shadow the Groundhog has actually predicted SIX MORE WEEKS OF WINTER.

Bundle up, guys.